local to local

Daily observations at or near Two Dot Spot, written by hand on the backs of postcards that record with ink and coffee a few minutes of the earth's orbit around the sun. The cards are physically mailed from Two Dot, Montana to those who have requested them...local to local. Ruth Marie Tomlinson


The visitors have begun to leave. There are planes to catch and work to return to. Everyone is saying goodbye in their own way. Rita, Asmund and Rikke blazed away after the bonfire with their new Wylie CD yodeling from the car window,  but not before Rita cried her goodbyes to everyone. I felt as if I’d know her forever. Erik and Kirby left looking designer great in tie and sport coat, but without Erik’s drivers license. And I hear Greg, Jennifer and Campbell drove down the dirt road with Campbell declaring from the window that she is a “Montana Girl!” I will take John to the airport in Bozeman and sleepily say my goodbyes at five tomorrow morning. We will talk everyday and I will see him in a week, but it is hard to have him go. Being together with friends and family and lovers is always marked and accounted by separating. It is what makes us realize how fond we are.