local to local
Daily observations at or near Two Dot Spot, written by hand on the backs of postcards that record with ink and coffee a few minutes of the earth's orbit around the sun. The cards are physically mailed from Two Dot, Montana to those who have requested them...local to local. Ruth Marie Tomlinson
8.9.2013… few clouds, no wind, low mist
A single cloud of ground mist crept into Two Dot. It must have started at the river, but at six this morning it lay across Guy Henley’s field, partially covering Weiss’s cabin, and completely enveloping Daloris Olson’s house. I wonder what went on inside that mist. What was Daloris dreaming? Or was she awake and afraid to come out of her house, not being able to see anything beyond her door? Just a little later, only a shadow of mist remained almost as if nothing had happened.