local to local
Daily observations at or near Two Dot Spot, written by hand on the backs of postcards that record with ink and coffee a few minutes of the earth's orbit around the sun. The cards are physically mailed from Two Dot, Montana to those who have requested them...local to local. Ruth Marie Tomlinson
5.29.2013... completely overcast, light rain
The road is puddled and slick from a night of rain. Richard will report in tenths of inches, but the standing water is confirmation. Without a dramatic sunrise I slept till 7. The sleep was delicious with restful dreams, a relief after two nights of turmoil. Transition always asks its due. It doesn’t matter if you are moving toward your hearts desire; a toll is paid. I paid in dreams of tidal waves and firings and everything turning its back on me, but now I think my balance sheet is level and I am truly here.