It is completely clear after last night’s thunderstorm, everything fresh and brilliant. But yesterday we drove to Lewistown and saw rainstorms off in every direction…over the Crazies, over the Little Belts. On the trip home it began to rain, and by Judith Gap it was a torrential. Even though it cleared in Harlo, it rained again in Two Dot. The skies lowered with grey messing with our psyches.
Good cheer returned at night when the sky broke open with lightning, each square of window momentarily brilliant, followed by house rattling reports of positive to negative electrical connections dramatically and instantly heating the air. Is it the light? The fire? The heat? Or the positive/negative charge making connection that had the power to amend our mood? Regardless, the instantaneous flashes confirmed by dramatic crashes put us back to rights and now we have woken to a day of steady light, the distant fire in the sky keeping us even.